Fernando & Mona |
PANGEA sigue adelante con su propósito de dar a conocer otras culturas y servir como vía de integración.
El cuarto capítulo de la cuarta temporada se ha dedicado a ¡EGIPTO! Presentado por Fernando Chico, hemos conocido más en profundidad la cultura de esta fantástica tierra y antigua civilización a través de una estupenda amiga: Mona (Cairo).
¿Quiénes son los coptos? ¿Cuál es su situación actual en Egipto? ¿Cómo es la relación entre coptos y musulmanes en el país? ¿Sabía que ambos practicantes estuvieron unidos y se protegieron los unos a los otros durante la Revolución de 2011? ¿Cuál es la situación de las mujeres en Egipto? ¿Qué tipo de papel juegan en la sociedad egipcia? ¿Sabe que Egipto es una piedra angular cinematográfica en Oriente Medio? ¿Ha probado alguna vez el 'tameya'? ¿Cuáles son los principales ingredientes de la cocina egipcia? ¿Y qué ocurre con los modales en torno a la mesa? ¿Sabe cómo se forman los nombres en árabe? ¿Se sienten los egipcios más africanos, árabes, faraones...?
Además hemos difundido aspectos y hechos acerca de otros países en la sección en inglés 'Did you know...?'. Sin abandonar la lengua de Shakespeare, hemos abordado un asunto de actualidad internacional cuya cobertura mediática no es tan amplia. En concreto, la posible descriminalización de las drogas en Irlanda.
Hemos explicado el significado del escudo de Salamanca. Y finalmente, hemos adornado el programa con música del mundo.
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Egypt is the third largest country in Africa |
PANGEA keeps going on with its purpose to get to know other cultures and serve as a way of integration.
The fourth episode of the fourth season has been focused on EGYPT! Hosted by Fernando Chico, we've
known more in depth the culture of this fantastic land and ancient civilization through an extraordinary friend: Mona (Cairo).
Who are the copts? What's their current situation in Egypt? How is the relation between Copts and Muslims in the country? Did you know that both practitioners were united and protected each other during the 2011 Revolution? What's the situation of women in Egypt? What kind of role do they play in the Egyptian society? Do you know that Egypt is a cinema keystone in the Middle East? Have you ever tasted some 'tameya'? What are the main ingredients of the Egyptian cuisine? And what about manners around the table? Do you know how full names are composed in Arabic? Do Egyptians identify more as Africans, Arabs, Pharaohs...?
Besides, we've spread some aspects and facts about other countries in our segment in English 'did you know...?''. Still using Shakespeare's mother tongue, we've explained a current international issue whose broadcasting is not being that wide. Specifically, the potential decriminalization of drugs in Ireland.
We've explained the meaning of Salamanca's coat of arms. And finally, we've added some international music.
The fourth episode of the fourth season has been focused on EGYPT! Hosted by Fernando Chico, we've
known more in depth the culture of this fantastic land and ancient civilization through an extraordinary friend: Mona (Cairo).
Who are the copts? What's their current situation in Egypt? How is the relation between Copts and Muslims in the country? Did you know that both practitioners were united and protected each other during the 2011 Revolution? What's the situation of women in Egypt? What kind of role do they play in the Egyptian society? Do you know that Egypt is a cinema keystone in the Middle East? Have you ever tasted some 'tameya'? What are the main ingredients of the Egyptian cuisine? And what about manners around the table? Do you know how full names are composed in Arabic? Do Egyptians identify more as Africans, Arabs, Pharaohs...?
Besides, we've spread some aspects and facts about other countries in our segment in English 'did you know...?''. Still using Shakespeare's mother tongue, we've explained a current international issue whose broadcasting is not being that wide. Specifically, the potential decriminalization of drugs in Ireland.
We've explained the meaning of Salamanca's coat of arms. And finally, we've added some international music.
Copts are a minority in the country |
Mona & Miguel, our sound controller |